How High Should The Public Bathroom Wall Tile Go?

How High Should The Public Bathroom Wall Tile Go?

How High Should The Public Bathroom Wall Tile Go?
How high should the public bathroom wall tile go? Should you keep it halfway or all the way to the ceiling? Or can you even experiment with three-quarters or like 3 feet overall? Well, there’s no one solution to all and there can be some factors that need to be considered, when choosing a specific height for the public bathroom wall tiles. In this article, we have briefly discussed the factors that you can consider to help you finalize the perfect height of the tiles for public restrooms and bathrooms. 
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How high should the public bathroom wall tile go? Should you keep it halfway or all the way to the ceiling? Or can you even experiment with three-quarters or like 3 feet overall? Well, there’s no one solution to all and there can be some factors that need to be considered, when choosing a specific height for the public bathroom wall tiles. In this article, we have briefly discussed the factors that you can consider to help you finalize the perfect height of the tiles for public restrooms and bathrooms. 

Bathroom Size and Layout


public bathroom tiles


The size of your bathroom has a direct relation with the height of the tile. Especially in the larger-sized public restrooms, it’s a better option to tile all the way to the ceiling. On the other hand, for smaller powder bathrooms, you can simply tile up to 4 or 5 feet max. Meanwhile, another important consideration is the layout of the bathroom. Especially around the wash basins and shower stalls, it’s ideal to extend the tiles to a higher height to protect against splashes. 

Ceiling Height

What’s the overall ceiling height of your bathroom? For instance, if you have a lower ceiling height, like 8 feet or less - it’s ideal to tile up to 4 or 5 feet max. Otherwise, it will truly feel cramped due to lower ceiling heights. On the other hand, for higher ceilings, there’s no harm in tiling all the way to the ceiling to achieve a sense of drama and elegance. This will also make your space feel calm, cozy, and warm. 

Moisture Requirements

In general, public bathrooms don’t have extended luxurious features such as a hot shower or a steam bath. But, if you’re looking to choose tiles for a bathroom in a hotel or a commercial gym, it’s ideal to extend the tiles all the way to the ceiling. Well, remember, the higher the tile goes, the better you can protect the walls against moisture. 

Maintenance and Cleanability

The bathroom wall tiles need regular cleaning and scrubbing to maintain hygiene and quality standards. So, it can be quite difficult to clean the tiles that reach all the way to the ceiling - hence, for public bathrooms, it can be easier to clean tiles that are within the cleaner’s reach. So, if you’re looking to regularly clean and maintain (which is a must for public restrooms) - then a height of 4 or 5 feet is quite good to go!

Popular Wall Tile Height Options

small public restroom featuring ceramic tiles
  • Half-Wall Tile - A popular and practical choice for many bathrooms, this height isn’t too high or too low with a dimension of 36 to 48 inches. It’s definitely easier to clean and maintain and can also easily fall within the budget.
  • Three-Quarter Wall Tile - If the half-wall tile looks dingy to you, it’s ideal to choose the three-quarter wall tile. It’s definitely not all the way to the ceiling but can also make your space look larger. This requires tiling up to a height of 72 inches! 
  • Floor to Ceiling Wall Tile - If you’re looking for a bold, moody, and modern statement, choose wall tiles that go from floor to ceiling! This will definitely protect the wall against moisture but can come with a higher budget.

Now that we've spilled all the do’s and don’ts and discussed some serious public bathroom design inspiration, it's time to get those tiling dreams in motion! But if you’re feeling a little stuck or overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tile choices out there, no worries! Hit us up for a chat – we're always up for a good brainstorming sesh and geeking out over the latest tile trends.