Sep 03, 2020 - 02:45 AM
We respect nature, which provides us its natural gifts. We always leave the forest in well-cared-for condition. We ensure that moss has time to recuperate between picking periods. The same picking area can be used at intervals of 5–10 years. Although Finland is famous for its “every man’s right”—open access to pick berries and mushrooms—it does not apply to moss picking. The factory pays the forest owners for the moss it picks from their forests.
We respect nature, which provides us its natural gifts. We always leave the forest in well-cared-for condition. We ensure that moss has time to recuperate between picking periods. The same picking area can be used at intervals of 5–10 years. Although Finland is famous for its “every man’s right”—open access to pick berries and mushrooms—it does not apply to moss picking. The factory pays the forest owners for the moss it picks from their forests.